Have You Seen Me Lately

No, and it's because I was hit with a one-two punch. Well, maybe a one-two-three-four-five punch.

First, I caught COVID again. That confined me to my couch for a week.

Second, half-delirious, I binged all of Mr. Robot. That reminded me that I'd long had an interest in red teaming and pentesting, but had never pursued it. I have some books, but they're mostly best-practices security stuff.

So third, I got on TryHackMe and went absolutely bonkers, practicing for about half my waking hours during the holiday period.

And fourth, I rediscovered my love of cookbooks, perhaps because I've recently been on a diet. So I've been reading and buying and wishlisting dozens upon dozens of cookbooks.

Fifth, I was informed just before Christmas that our company was underbid on our recompete for my team's contract, so I need to find another job before mid-February. Great.

And of course, I haven't been blogging any of this, because I'm an idiot.